“Buongiorno Afghanistan” tv documentary series – Sky2019-10-30T10:54:59+00:00

Project Description

“Buongiorno Afghanistan” is a Sky One production, a series of reportages following the Italian troops in Afghanistan. In 2010, Raw-News cameraman Federico Fornaro supported Sky Journalist Fabio Caressa on the Afghan scenario. With them in the field, director Massimo Bomprezzi, field-producer and photographer Sergio Ramazzotti from Parallelo Zero, and 2nd cameraman Roberto De Amicis. This is the first part of a three-episodes-documentary. For the other two episodes, head over to our website here: http://bit.ly/1T7DbIW and here: http://bit.ly/1T7DfIL

Directed by: Sky Uno, Parallelo Zero, Raw-News

Produced: Sky Uno, Parallelo Zero, Raw-News 

Published: Sky Cinema

Country: Afghanistan

Genres: Documentary