Corporate & Commercials

Raw-Media, media production for business and institutions.
Raw-Media is the new creative and business-focused branch of the Raw-Visuals Ltd., a company headquartered in London and established in Rome since 2010.
Thanks to the experience of its team of producers, DoP cameramen and directors, Raw-Media offer the production and complete realization of different formats trimmed to the client needs: Docu-corporate filming, Branded contents, Press Junkets, Commercials and Live streaming coverage.

Paolo Di Paolo meet Bulgari
The great Roman photographer tells how the photographs on display in the Bulgari boutique were born, Raw-News video production for Argenta Film

«Ho previsto cose» direbbe, dunque, il sistema di supercalcolo di Eni: HPC5,"
a docu-corporate film for ENI power. Eni media department/Raw-News production - Federico Fornaro 1st DoP

Antin Grandi Stazioni, a Raw-News film for Merchancantos
Raw-News crew for Merchancantos, Federico Fornaro 1st Dop, Christian Mantuano 2nd Dop

ReutersConnect at RAINews24 headquarter
Reuters Connect is a fast, intelligent way of sourcing the news you need. A single destination for all your content requirements, Reuters Connect is designed by journalists, for journalists.
Raw-News team filmed this branded video for Reuters at RaiNews24 headquarter in Italy , RN team credits: Federico Fornaro, Fernando De Franceschi

Bliss Out, Life Is Not About Sitting Still, So Why Should Meditation Be?
Today you can’t expect just to sit down and meditate. For modern people like you and me, that’s unrealistic. We live in a high-pressure, accelerated and fast-paced world. We need to process a lot of information at all times. Our brains are overloaded and overstimulated.
You probably know only passive meditation and think it’s not for you. You probably think that you are a terrible meditator because you can’t focus your mind, and sit still.
Let me tell you this...

Radure 2020 festival, a cura di Atcl - Long Version
Organizzato e curato da ATCL, Associazione Teatrale Comuni Lazio, Radure 2020, alla sua seconda edizione, e' il primo festival di valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale del sistema territoriale dei Monti Lepini attraverso la commistione tra le arti dello spettacolo dal vivo, le identità dei luoghi e la partecipazione attiva delle realtà operanti in questi splendidi paesaggi.

Wake Up Roma Promo
Wake Up Roma is a civic awareness event, happened on March 12, 2016 in four different squares of Rome, organized by the no-profit organization Retake Roma and the Start-Up accelerator Luiss EnLabs. Shot in November 2015.

Can the next Einstein come from Africa? Join the Movement
The Next Einstein Forum (NEF) is a platform that brings together leading thinkers in science, policy, industry and civil society in Africa to solve global challenges with science. NEF inspires and empowers young african "game changers" to take on the challenge and show the world what Africa is capable of. Shot in January 2016

NYUAD Summer Academy - promo
The NYU Abu Dhabi Summer Academy is an 18-month program designed to enhance the academic profiles of highly-motivated Abu Dhabi-based Emirati high school students. The program begins during the summer following the 10th year of high school and continues for the following 18 months, with two intensive summer courses of study in Abu Dhabi and at two of NYU’s global locations: Florence, Italy, and New York City. Produced in 2012.

No Nucleare - A GreenPeace campaign
In 2010, Italian artists 99 Posse, Leo Pari and Piotta supported the Greenpeace No-Nuclear Campaign with their music.

EDEN, the European Destinations of Excellence
EDEN is the acronym for European Destinations of Excellence, a project promoting sustainable tourism development models across the European Union. The project was based on national competitions that took place every year and result in the selection of a tourist “destination of excellence” for each participating country. Raw-News filmed this promo for the European Commission in 2009.

Al Ahli Hospital - Doha
Al Ahli Hospital - Doha
Conceptualized by Qatari businessmen in 1989, Al Ahli Hospital is sketched as a 100-bed profit-based hospital to specialize in pediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology. With the support of His Highness the Emir, the project received support of other private individuals who participated as shareholders and finally the project grew into a 150-bed private general hospital offering five-star healthcare services in a relaxing environment, a hospital that makes one feel as if in a luxurious hotel. The hospital was first opened to public in June 2004

TASTEscape - A video guide to Rome
Eat, drink and live Rome like a Roman! This video guide offers a fresh lens with which to discover the city, complementing all the beautiful icons Rome is famous for. TASTEscape - Rome edition, is part of a series of video guides produced by Great Italian Chefs, in collaboration with Celebrity Cruises. Raw-News supported the production of this 5-mins-long guide to Rome.

A Connected Story - Nonna Paola
Nonna Paola is a tech-challenged Italian grandmother who moved to Australia almost 60 years ago. All of her extended family is still in Calabria, south of Italy so NBN, Australia's new broadband network, decided to organize a little surprise for her. Shot for NBN Australia on June 23, 2015.

Meet the Citizens of Boys' & Girls' Towns of Italy
Boys and Girls' Towns of Italy empowers war refugee, migrant and at-risk youth living on the streets of Italy. Through its innovative self-government approach, its young people develop vital skills needed to integrate into, and contribute to society as active, self-reliant adults. Produced in 2012.

"Afghanistan: a different story" - Fondazione Paracelso
Created in 2004, Fondazione Paracelso develops, funds, supports and implements scientific projects for hemophilia and hereditary clotting deficiencies. The goal to open the first center in Kabul for the diagnosis and treatment of hemophilia has been achieved. The program started in 2009 with the aim to provide Afghanistan with clinical care and social infrastructure for patients with hemophilia, a network project created in recent years with the collaboration of the Paracelso foundation hemophilia Center and thrombosis of Milan and the World Federation of hemophilia (WFH).

Shouf Cedars Reserve Documentary
This is a nature documentary on the "Al Shouf Cedar Reserve" of Lebanon. The film explores the marvellous biodiversity of one of the biggest cedars area of the country, whose beauty has been described in some of the oldest documents of human history. The "Al Shouf Cedar Reserve" was declared BioSphere Reserve by UNESCO in 2005 and it includes more than 25% of all the remaining cedars of Lebanon. Produced by Raw-News in 2010.

"The Invisibles" - The condition of hemophiliacs in Zambia
Created in 2004, Fondazione Paracelso develops, funds, supports and implements scientific projects for haemophilia and hereditary clotting deficiencies. Now, the goal is the opening of the first center in Lusaka - Zambia for the diagnosis and treatment of haemophilia, the program has the aim to provide Zambia with clinical care and social infrastructure for patients with hemophilia, a network project created in recent years with the collaboration of the Paracelso foundation haemophilia Center and thrombosis of Milan and the World Federation of haemophilia (WFH).

The XCAT World Series held in Italy in Stresa, in the water of the Lago Maggiore. Shot in June 2014

Anzio Palio del Mare 2016 - il corteo e la premiazione
Il palio del mare 2016 si è concluso anche quest'anno con il corteo storico e la premiazione dei vincitori della regata. I vincitori della quinta edizione del palio sono stati il Lido dei Pini - Sacida

Anzio Palio del Mare 2016 - la Regata
Il Palio del Mare 2016 di Anzio è amato dai suoi partecipanti e spettatori soprattutto per la regata tra i rappresentanti dei quartieri della città, che avviene all'imbrunire. Il vincitore della 5 edizione è stato il Lido dei Pini

Anzio Palio del Mare 2016 - preparazione
La 5a edizione del Palio del Mare di Anzio, 3 giugno 2016. La preparazione dei regatanti e della città

BMW Roadshow - Rome
The BMW Group inaugurated the BMW i Born Electric Tour at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Via Nazionale, Rome. The worldwide tour then visited six other major cities in the followin year: Dusseldorf, Tokyo, New York, London, Paris, and Shanghai. Raw-News produced the promotional videos of this event in 2012

2019 04 19 La Formula E invade Roma Movistar Ita
Formula E race coverage in Rome Eur, Movistar Telefonica/Raw-News production

Invasioni Creative ATCL - Cultura in cucina
Atcl , Associazione Teatrale Comuni del Lazio, promuove le attività teatrali nella regione con un attenzione particolare alle sperimentazioni artistiche e alle contaminazioni culturali, Raw-Media ha ripreso e montato queste performances teatrali a testimonianza dell' impegno di ATCL nel Lazio.

2024 09 13 3dthDay Finn Class Master Italian Championship ITA
Third day of racing at the Italian Finn Championship 2024, master category, Rimini. Three races in conditions of medium-light wind, long waves, and sun. Alessandro Marega of the Soc. Vela Oscar Cosulich leads the ranking.